We are pleased to announce the start of the Safe Block Program and Safe Car Program in Forest Park Southeast! The Safe Block Program offers safety and security enhancements to homes in participating blocks in the Forest Park Southeast neighborhood. At least 51% of a block must be signed up to participate in the 2014 Safe Block Program. The goal of the program is to create safer streets and communities by providing residents with access to additional security features for their home. Home Security items offered to FPSE residents include: Door Locks, Window Locks, Motion Lights, Swing Bar Door Guard, and Fire Extinguishers. All items will be installed free of charge by a licensed contractor. Quantities for all items are limited and will be made available on a first come first serve basis. The Safe Car Program offers steering wheel locks to residents and employees of Forest Park Southeast businesses free of charge.
Forest Park Southeast residents interested in receiving any of the above safety and security enhancements for their car or home can pick up an application at 4400 Chouteau beginning August 1, 2014 or click the link bellow to download the application. Applications can be mailed to or dropped off at 4400 Chouteau by August 31, 2014.