Kathleen Tofall, Circuit Attorney’s Victim Services Executive Director, will provide education on the aftermath and impact of crime on victims, crime victims’ rights, communicating with victims of crime, and resource connections in the community.
- As a program of the Neighborhood Ownership Model, this training is required for anyone who wants to be a volunteer providing victim support services in their neighborhood.
- Neighborhood groups are encouraged to RSVP as a group if you have several folks to add to your teams or if your neighborhood is creating a team.
- A background check must be completed by the SLMPD Liaison Officer for your neighborhood prior to the training.
- Please arrive at the Carnahan Courts Building and be in the lobby by 8:45 for escort to the meeting room.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office
Carnahan Courts Building
1114 Market, Room 219 – (parking available City Hall lot)
Maximum of 35 Attendees
RSVP REQUIRED By Tuesday, March 18, 2014 –
Please contact Carolyn Compton at:
314-454-5808 or via e-mail at ccompton@cwensi.com for questions or to RSVP.
Please know I will make every effort to register anyone who wishes to attend, just keep in mind there are limited spots available. The earlier I hear from interested residents the better. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have – please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail. This is a great way for anyone who needs to have more flexibility in their volunteer schedule. Contact me to learn more!