SAFETY TIPS (Call 911 if you have an emergency and 314 231-1212 for non-emergency criminal activity)
Preventing Auto-Related Crime
- Use a “club” or other steering wheel device.
- Try to park your car in a well-lit area.
- Check in, around and under your vehicle for suspicious persons before entering.
- Lock all doors after entering your vehicle
- If possible, keep your car parked inside of a garage instead of on your drive-way or on the street.
- Always lock your vehicle, even if you are only leaving for a few minutes.
- When walking to your vehicle, always have your keys in hand so you won’t have to fumble for them, making yourself an easy target for criminals.
- NEVER leave a running vehicle unattended.
- Completely close all your windows when you park the car.
- Don’t leave valuables in your car.
- When transporting valuables, place them in the trunk before you get to the location where you intend to park. Don’t transfer them at the parking place in open view of other people.
- If you have car trouble, try to get to a safe, well-lit spot, put on your emergency flashers and display a “Send Help Sign” if possible.When leaving your vehicle, always remove detachable faces for stereos and GPS units and all electronic chargers/auxiliary cords.
Personal Safety Tips
- Trust Your Intuition. If you feel threatened or something doesn’t feel right, take action immediately.
- Pay close attention to your surroundings.
- Don’t let strangers get too close to you, even if they seem to have a reason.
- Carry as few items as possible.
- Walk with a purpose. Know where you are going ahead of time.
- Avoid shortcuts that take you through alleys, gangways, and other unlit, isolated areas.
- Have a plan before you see trouble. Be prepared to cross a street or duck into a store, if needed.
- Carry a small amount of cash, and only the credit cards that you intend to use.
- If carrying a wallet, carry it in a front pocket.
- Leave your expensive jewelry at home.
Public Transportation Safety
- For a list of safety tips, please visit the Metro website.