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Our social media contest begins TODAY!

Each time the contest runs, we will post a different photo each time. The photo will be of part of an element within the Forest Park Southeast neighborhood.

Guesses must be DIRECTLY MESSAGED to us on our Facebook page by Wednesday at midnight. If you do not have Facebook, you can also direct message us on Twitter. The winner and answer will be revealed on our Facebook page and Twitter on Friday.

To win, you must submit the correct location within the FPSE neighborhood and/or name of the element in the photo. You must also “Like” our Facebook page or if submitting via Twitter, you must be following us (@WUMCRC).

Everyone who meets the requirements above and answers correctly will be submitted in a drawing.

The winner will receive a gift card to a local restaurant.

Please feel free to “SHARE” this post on Facebook or retweet on our Twitter! Good luck to everyone!

This week’s contest photo: