This meeting included updates on trash, district parking, Preservation Board decisions, new businesses in the neighborhood, and information about our February Alderperson Candidate forum.

Crime & Safety report, Officer Walker

  • Many car break-ins – most victims people visiting bars on Manchester Ave & Chouteau Ave on weekends.
  • Do not leave guns inside of vehicles or get a bolted down lockbox – many firearms are stolen from cars on Manchester Ave.
  • 4100-4300 blocks of Manchester are where most crimes (car break-ins) are committed.

Ward Updates (Tina (Sweet-T) Phil, Ward 17 Alderwoman)

  • Passed board bills:
    • Charter commission:  
      • Group of citizens to review charter for updates.  Has been decades since the charter has been updated.  Citizens can apply when available (more details to follow).
    • ARPA bill:
      • Regional arts commission received 10.6 million dollars (this will help after COVID).  
      • Guaranteed basic income for low-income residents in pilot program stage – this will work to lift people to higher economic class.
      • Contribute 13 million dollars to support renters – stabilization fund for affordable housing.
      • 4 million dollars for youth services
  • Question from Cammie Lewis: how do people apply for basic income?  
    • Answer: details have yet to be worked out.  Agency who is overseeing the program will provide detail in future.

Neighborhood Updates (Ron Coleman, Neighborhood Liaison)

  • Trash
    • The Refuse and Streets Department are teaming up to sweep all alleys at one time and will be scheduled during bulk week.  Includes branches, tree debris, waste.  HOWEVER, they are running behind (be patient).
    • Dumpsters with holes should be scheduled to be replaced by March.
    • See flier for citizens good neighbor agreement regarding trash, weeds, litter (Ron can print fliers for neighbors to distribute).
    • Question from Nate B.: small receptacles (aka litter barrels) on sidewalks fill up quickly between trash pickups.  Can we add a few more and place them strategically?  
      • Answer: City not adding capacity (have a hard time keeping up with emptying) – call CSB if there is a problem.  Also, trash on Manchester is controlled by the CID – contract Ron directly for specific issues.  Some waste receptacles were recently hit by cars and will be added back.
    • Question from Aaron B.:  small receptacles at Chouteau & Taylor and not being emptied twice a week.  Dog waste piles up and overflows (bad at Taylor & Gibson and along Chouteau Park).
      • Answer – Ron to visually inspect and address problems. 
  • Parking district tickets
    • There is no current administrator, no new tenants can get hang tags, and tickets are (temporarily) not being given out.   If you get a ticket contact Ron, and he will take care of it.
    • The 4400 block of Arco Avenue will be petitioning to create a residential parking district.
    • Question: what is the plan for enforcement once figured out? Increase enforcement?
      • Answer – enforcement available from morning to 10pm at night.
    • Question: Is parking allowed in alleys? 
      • Answer – no unless it’s your own property and not grass.  The alleys are not a tow area, but you will get a $40 ticket.  If you see a parked vehicle in the alley, do not call the police.  Rather, call the non-emergency number.  Utilities/construction vehicles should have a blocking permit to work in alley.
  • Ron recommends looking at City’s website for job opportunities!

Treasurer’s Report (Cammie Lewis, FPSE NA Treasurer)

  • Nov/Dec – received $120 in dues, paid 29.98 for zoom.
  • Dues are sliding scale, must be a member to vote.
  • Neighborhood Night Out is typically the biggest event.
  • Beginning of year – all dues start over – $10 or pay what you can.

Infrastructure Committee

  • Reviews projects related to streets, street lawns, sidewalks, trash cans, benches.
  • Next meeting is January 24th@ Remedy church (4372 Vista Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110).
  • Currently working on a survey for feedback for Chouteau Park.

Development Review Committee

  • Next mtg Jan 24 @ Remedy church (4th Tuesday of every month).
  • Preservation Board approved demolition for 6 buildings on the 4500 block of Manchester for new mixed-use development.  Development includes a surface parking lot on Swan.
  • Preservation Board denied demolition of houses along Kingshighway for proposed multi-family development by Lux Living.
    • Board determined the existing buildings are in sound condition, and the proposed design is not compatible with neighborhood context.
    • Lux Living had also changed the plans from the previous iteration presented to the neighborhood.  Namely, the vehicle access was relocated from Kingshighway to the rear of the building off the alley.
    • Many residents spoke out in opposition to the project.

New businesses in the neighborhood:

  • The Vandy (cocktail bar): 1301 S Vandeventer Ave
  • Green Earth Art Company (hand decorative art in cement & concrete): 4475 Chouteau Ave

What’s going on with Dog Park?  Closed?  

  • Answer: Dog park non-profit non-existent, unknown if Park Central is still administering applications.

2023 Events

  • Neighborhood clean-ups – Every 4th Saturday @ 10am – meeting your neighbors and get a warm fuzzy feeling of doing something good.
  • Neighborhood Night Out – neighborhood board is considering a new location @ Adams Park.
  • Flower Planting – Spring & Fall (dates TBD)
  • Tree Planting – Fall (dates TBD)
    • 15 trees planted in Chouteau Park last Fall.
    • Neighborhood board is in contact with GIS & City Planning for a tree database – will need volunteers to identify trees (species, condition, opportunities). 

Alderman Candidate Forum

Future neighborhood meeting speakers:

  • Andrew Wiel:  Executive Director of Landmarks Association of St. Louis
  • Michael Allen:  St. Louis Preservation Board member, professor of history @ WashU


  • 13-month study by MODOT for I-64 infrastructure changes at the north area of the neighborhood.

Jan 18th – @ 4pm-7pm – open house to discuss 3 corridor concepts (Collab workspace – CORTEX, 4220 Duncan Ave – 3rd Floor).  Neighborhood feedback is important.

You can download a copy of this meeting’s minutes below.

You can also listen to January’s meeting below, and wherever you get your podcasts.