In this meeting we discuss Trash for Trees and St. Louis Neighborhood Trash Pick Ups, updates from the infrastructure committee, parking district updates (permits re-starting soon!), and more!
Crime and Safety Report (Officer Walker)
- Catalytic Converters are still being stolen.
- Garage break ins
- House break-ins
- Kias/Hyundais are still getting stolen.
- 13xx Boyle there have been issues with neighbors.
Ward Updates (Tina (Sweet-T) Phil, Ward 17 Alderwoman)
- April 4th ballot – Proposition C
- If passed, it creates a commission to review and update the city’s charter.
- The city’s current charter was made in 1914, and no comprehensive updates have been made since then.
- Commission will consist of 9 nominees – 3 each from north, central and south St. Louis City.
- The Commission will also consist of 7 at large non-voting advisory experts.
- If passed, applications open for 50 days to become charter commission members.
- Please see website for more details
- Charter commission to be reviewed every 10 years.
Neighborhood Updates (Ron Coleman, Neighborhood Liaison)
- Forestry Department
- 100 trees to be planted in the ward, more than half in FPSE.
- If want a new tree in front of your home, contact Ron or Citizen Service Bureau
- Question: what are you doing to cut the dead trees down?
- Answer: Forestry is behind and working through a list of most dangerous trees in pedestrian areas. Most dead trees are on the list and waiting. Please contact Ron and provide an address if you have concerns about a specific tree.
- Dan: Is there a map online where street trees will be planted?
- Ron sent a list to NA.
- Grove CID is working on cross walks on side streets.
- Parking Districts:
- The process is not currently working, and the plan is to have a process set up to review permits within a month.
- Permits will be $40 a car.
- Tickets should be being issued – please contact Ron if you get a ticket to have the ticket voided.
- Additional comments from Adam Layne (city treasurer):
- About a month or less to get parking permits up and running.
- Once the infrastructure is set up, parking permits should be issued within the same week of application submission.
- Applications will be available for processing via the internet, but there will also be a call-in line.
- Dan: Will there be a forgiveness period after enrollment starts?
- Answer: yes, there will be about a month to work out the bugs in the system and no backtracking.
- Damaged dumpsters are currently being replaced.
- City/summer jobs available. Lifeguards, teachers, and bus drives available. See website:
- Aaron Bisch comment regarding previous issues with the small overflowing public trash cans: those trash cans have been well maintained since – thanks Ron!
Treasurer’s Report (Cammie Lewis, FPSE NA Treasurer)
- Only recent activity: $14.99 zoom fee
- Dues started in January – please pay what you can (cash app or cash/check).
Pam Ross (candidate speaker running for Community College Board of Trustees)
- 3 main reasons for running:
- Get students who dropped out because of the pandemic back in college.
- Provide resources and funds for student emergencies and general needs.
- Spend more time in public speaking about short time programs to get people back to work (such as truck driving Boeing programs).
Infrastructure Committee
- The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is offering a Bradley pear tree buy-back program which is an invasive tree that needs to be eradicated:
- Looking into dog park administration, insurance, non-profit status, pruning trees.
- Abdul of Park Central will attend the next infrastructure meeting.
Development Review Committee
- No new project updates.
New businesses in the neighborhood:
- STL Makers (4304 Manchester Ave)
- Bootleggin’ Tavern (4501 Chouteau Ave)
Community updates and news:
- There are three Stay-in-place programs in the neighborhood. Please contact Park Central ( to determine eligibility (requires covid impact statement).
- Neighborhood cleanups are back on: 4th Saturday of each month. Meet at Chouteau and Taylor
Guest speaker: Aaron Dohogne, Trash for Trees
- Trash for Trees = picking up trash and planting trees,
- The goal in FPSE is to pick up 12,000 pieces of trash.
- There will be local sponsors.
- See FPSE NA facebook page for details:
- Need people to accept trees (one tree per property, trees are native, planting will take place in October).
- Contact Aaron with questions (
- Question: is there a prize for overall winner?
- No not yet but working on having a party at the end for everyone.
Guest speaker: Sophia Garcia, SLDC Neighborhood Manager
- Part of the new neighborhood transformation team (10 managers total).
- Job is to support businesses, residents and community partners.
- SLDC wants neighborhoods to have a plan.
- FPSE plan already in action
- Works closely with CDA to connect groups with funding.
- Dan: have you made any development contacts?
- Only point of contact at this point is with Park Central and FPSE NA
- Email:
Future neighborhood meeting speakers:
- Andrew Wiel: Executive Director of Landmarks Association of St. Louis
- Michael Allen: St. Louis Preservation Board member, professor of history @ WashU
You can download a copy of this meeting’s minutes below.
You can also listen to March’s meeting below, and wherever you get your podcasts.