6:50 – 6:51 pm Meeting Called to order (Vincent Chewning)
Neighborhood Association Business
6:51 – 6:52 pm Treasurer’s Report (Adelina Mart)
- Month-over-month budget increased $370 from dues and donations.
6:52 – 7:03 pm Special Election: Member-At-Large (Election Committee)
- Long-time resident Thomas Charleville elected to the position of Member-At-Large
7:00 – 7:05 pm Neighborhood Assistance Committee (Dan Scott)
- NAC has not officially been formed.
- Dan Scott has asked Park Central for NAC to see the $30,000 grant and how it’s been spent. Mr. Scott is asking for remaining funds from the grant.
- NAC has requested for home repair as an upcoming meeting topic.
- The Neighborhood Association asks for clarity on mission of NAC and criteria of homeowners who would have funds and have help available to them.
- NAC will be doing a walk-around to evaluate homes in need of repair.
- The question of the existence of the Neighborhood Ownership Model came up. It was later answered by Ed Slade (see below).
7:03 – 7:10 pm Community Announcements (Community)
- Vince Chewning announces that the Community Announcements portion of meetings has been moved up to accommodate more time for community input.
- Adams School: This Friday there is a yard sale on the playground from 5pm – 7pm that benefits the Gator Girls. To have a table, contact the school. Tables are $10. Deadline is Thursday. Yard signs have been made and available to residents to put in their yard to promote the school. In May, there will be an open house to bring the community into the school. Student ambassadors will give a tour and there will be setup to see pictures and videos of what the school is doing. Date of that is TBD.
- There’s a hearing down in City Hall to talk about the increase in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
- On April 3rd the dedication for Gibson Ave was a good turn out. Bob Gibson spoke and Ozzie Smith was in attendance.
- Alderman Joe Roddy addressed confusion about The Port Authority expansion. There wasn’t a vote taken and the proposal wouldn’t increase city-wide taxes.
7:10 – 7:15 pm Meeting Location Update (FPSE Board)
- Call for volunteers for IndiHop. Donations for volunteer work goes to the neighborhood’s National Night Out event, which on August 6.
- There will be neighborhood cleanup on May 18 from 10-12. The Neighborhood Association has asked Operation Brightside to assist in the cleanup by providing gloves and bags. If there is a particular location that might generate a lot of trash, special requests for trash receptacles can be made. The Association has also requested flowers from Operation Brightside to plant on Sunday.
- Meetings going forward will be held at the Missouri Foundation for Health at 4254 Vista. The facility will accommodate more people and time for Neighborhood Association meetings. Meetings will happen at the same time: 6:45pm. Lawn signs will be updated to accommodate the change.
St. Louis City Government Reports
7:15 – 7:22 pm Crime Report (Ed Slade)
- Neighborhood Ownership Model (NOM) – Is a state/federal grant program that helps the community track down cases, assists victims, and provides marshall assistance in the form of short statements from the community. The Neighborhood Ownership Model is a citizen-led program that is supported by the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office, the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and the Office of the Mayor. The FPSE NOM was established in 2012 to combat crime and create a safer neighborhood for all. According to Slade, NOM is not for weed cases, bench warrants, or building code violations. It’s primarily used for violent crime class and felony cases.
- Stolen car crime have increased. Slade particularly called out the QT on Manchester and Vandeventer.
- Car break-ins are up. Slade particularly called out the they’re occurring just north and just south of Manchester Ave.
- Ron Coleman contacted Ed Slade about the recent increase shots fired calls, assaults, suspected persons and vehicles, and drug dealings. On March 9, there was a shots fired call for 5 -20 shots. On April 7, one call for 20 shots fired. On April 11, a call for shots fired. Calls are not coming in from 911. Ed Slade noted the shots fire calls are calling out the 4300-4400 block of Gibson at Newstead.
- Officer Slade encourages you to email him first if you have camera/video footage of suspicious activity.
- Vista has had a lot of domestic disturbance calls.
- Other calls come in along Manchester
7:20 – 7:25 pm Neighborhood Update (Ron Coleman)
- Coleman says he can’t stress enough that we need your calls to the police. Provide description and exact address. It’s key info for policing efforts.
- WashU often uses “big booms” to scare birds off buildings. Noted that the sound is not similar to gunshots.
- Woodward lofts are 25% leased now.
- This Friday morning from 7 – 9am, there will be a pop-up park and Vandeventer and Laclede at Kaldi’s Coffee.
7:26 – 7:33pm (Alderman Joe Roddy)
- BOA new session began today.
- HUDZ update: In the process of Economic Development study via Mass Economics. The group will be doing some community outreach, visiting with different businesses, community groups and stakeholders. A report will be prepared by September and adopted by this fall. One of the group’s strengths is a economic strategy along development of disinvested communities.
- Mayor Lyda Krewson has appointed attorney Matt Moak as Executive Director of the Community Development Administration. You can read more about that here.
- Expect an announcement about transportation planning, affordable housing work and trust funds. Home repair money comes from different pots of money. Goal will be to quantify that and a strategy to articulate how those funds are used. Difficult because of a number different local groups that can’t agree on terms.
- Dan Scott brought up the 2015 report, The Right to Stay Put [Bologna, J., Kantor, N., Liu, Y., & Taylor, S. (2015). The right to stay put: City Garden Montessori School and neighborhood change [Report]. St. Louis, MO: Washington University.] The report provides insight into the Forest Park Southeast, Shaw, and Botanical Heights neighborhoods changes and offers a clear picture of the importance of inclusive economic development and affordable housing. The report includes an overview and history of the neighborhoods in the study area, focusing specifically on FPSE, Shaw, and Botanical Heights. You can read the reports entirety here.
Guest Speakers and Updates
7:33 – 7:41 pm Midtown Community Services (Laura Lamb)
- Midtown Community Services is located at 1202 S Boyle. It’s their 37th year in community.
- They provide a wholesome, peaceful center where individuals, families & especially children can be nurtured, supported and build community together. Their goals are to:
- To provide outreach to pregnant women & newborns by delivering pre and post-natal education in order to reduce the area’s infant mortality rate.
- To provide the men & women in our community with a safe, inclusive and productive environment.
- To create a welcoming environment for open dialogue and discussions to foster community involvement and growth.
- To break down barriers created by poverty, isolation and prejudice.
- They have many community programs you can participate in. You can find a list here and at the end of April 2019 Minutes.
- They will have their march for peace in the neighborhood, their Peace Parade, on July 24th.
7:41 – 7:49 pm Development Committee Update (Mark Mangapora)
- The Committee gave zone setback support for an addition to an existing house at 1311 Boyle
- The Committee did not support the tear down of an existing 4 family house along 4300 Swann; The developer wanted to build a duplex. Support was not supported due to the plan not using high quality building materials and the committee wanted the proposed demoed house to be preserved; developers did not provide evidence that the building was under demolition conditions.
- May’s Place will do in building to the west of Rise Coffee.
- Ronald McDonald House was given Preservation Board approval to demo the church at Boyle and Chouteau to build new RMCH. They have provided preliminary renderings.
7:45 – 7:52 pm Infrastructure Committee Update (Vincent Chewning)
- In their latest meeting, the Committee discussed Chouteau Park. Meeting Minutes from that meeting have been made available and are the following:
- Allen Levin gave an update regarding the exercise equipment for the walking trail for the park. He gave visuals and renderings of the proposed equipment and the price. The committee gave feedback and expressed support for the design. The committee chair, Julie asked question about the layout of the rest of the equipment and project in the park. Abdul (ED Park Central) informed the Committee that the Recreation company would perform a layout of the park to ensure that all projects fit into the Park.
- Abdul gave an update on the Project that where submitted for funding through the Neighborhood Parks Fund and Metro Fund. The Project for 2020 Metro Parks Fund match was for (75k total project): Full Basketball Court . The Projects for 2020 Neighborhood Park Fund match (30K total projects): ADA ramps SE corner of Park, Complete sidewalk look up to Newstead, Trees, Litter barrels, Benches, Picnic Tables, Shelters.
7:52 – 7:54 PM Adjournment (Vincent Chewning)
- May 21st: Better Together will be the only topic of the meeting.
You can download this month’s meeting minutes below.